“Feel it. The thing that you don’t want to feel. Feel it and be free” — Nayyirah Waheed
The feeling of restlessness and overwhelm used to be a constant in my life; it is also a common theme with my clients. This restlessness leads to irritation and irritability; moving around in a constant state of irritation and irritability does not bode well for our bodies or our relationships.
Before I got ill, I was in a constant state of motion: working, taking care of the kids and our home and doing my best to be a supportive wife and partner. From the time I got up at4:00 AM until the time I went to bed at 9:00 PM I was constantly moving which made it very hard to feel settled in my mind and body.
Rather than feel the emotion of restlessness, I would seek distractions to help calm me down: start a craft project, make To Do lists, organize my desk – things that gave me control and took my attention away from doing things for everyone else and creating “Me time”. I didn’t realize that I was doing more harm than good until I broke down and cried over spilled milk. Yes: spilled milk.
I was in the kitchen preparing for a holiday get together. I was measuring milk into a measuring cup. The kids were entertaining themselves and I was rushing to get everything in order before guests arrive. I was on track until I accidentally dropped the measuring cup of milk. Milk splashed everywhere. Watching the milk go all over the floor, the counter, and me was like watching a film in slow motion. I remember dropping to the floor and crying uncontrollably. My husband looked at me in disbelief and not sure what to do.
I remember saying “My life is spinning out of control. I can’t do this anymore. I am a failure” – I had hit bottom. My supportive husband helped me up, cleaned up the mess and provided me with words of encouragement.
I had reached a point that felt like a volcano finally exploding after years of building up heat and lava. I felt light and free. I felt supported. I felt loved. I let emotions that I hadn’t felt in years course through my body to the point that I felt fully present and aware in my life. It was liberating!
When we allow ourselves to give in to the physical sensation of our emotions; when we don’t resist and instead, allow the body to feel the emotion in the heart, the gut, the hands – wherever the emotion goes – exploring and feeling the physical sensation is what sets you free.
“Thanks for your wise words of patience in my waiting. I really needed that and kept going back to it when I was feeling lost.”
Mary on Fledging Student
Lelana on Happy Each Day
kristi on Taking the Keys
Mikki ashe on Taking the Keys
RoxaNNe SusOeff on Taking the Keys
Asking for Help
Life Coach
Making Choices